Sunday, June 15, 2008

My Daddy's Day

So today being my Dad's birthday AND Father's day or as I like to call it Daddy's day...yes yes I still call my Dad Daddy :) I thought I would make a post saying how thankful I am for him and how much I love him. This man has been through alot lately and has tried sooo hard to stay afloat!! He has honestly taught me so much in my life....from respect for others, to be strong, a good work ethic, GREAT pranks hehe, to keep good values, to stand up for what I believe in, honesty, to be trust worthy, and sooo much more in my life. There was this one time when my dad was in a real busy streak with work and I asked him to do something with me, he told me no he couldn't but that he always had time for a matter when. I have always remembered that and he still yet has not broken his word....and mind you this was a long time ago :) LOVE YOU DADDY!!

and don't mind the date...that was taken today :)

Well today we had a blast and had fun taking pictures, here are just a few that I had fun with :)

Terri I know you don't like this one but I do :)

I just think the WORLD of these two!!!

after I took this picture Terri says "WOW this one is one that will get scrapbooked....but no one else will ever see" but I just consider this scrapbooking....well kinda :D

oh I just love this picture....she was actually really good at hitting the balls that came to her...even the ones that were out of her reach...what a high achiever!!!

you know these 2 really love their "papa"

This is my sweet Mia....I love it she would just do what ever I told her....isn't she just gorgeous!!!
and my handsome little Silver :) Now these 2 are the BEST OF FRIENDS

Sunday, June 8, 2008

OH Sundays!

So I will have to say that today was quite the sunday....well not much really happened but it was still funny :D Well so anyways I did go on a date last night to the Scera theater and we saw The King and I, and that was amazing! So my friend that asked me out had never seen the play before nor his roommate, though the girl he asked was actually in so we sat and sang through the whole thing, but it was way fun!!

So today....well church was awesome of course ;) well I cooked some dinner for a few of my friends and that was yummy!! Sorry I know this is soooo all random but I couldn't really think of anything else to write :) Ok so you got to understand my friend Brandon....he has to be better than you in everything...(in a lol nice way) and he always has to win......WAIT ok so I finally did beat him at something...on friday we went bowling and I killed that will be the first and only time hehe!!! (I have had to learn to accept this) anyways I will say that he is always a good friend and does my dishes after I cook him dinner...he is great like that. He actually even did them at my sisters, we went over there for my Mom's birthday dinner and he wouldn't even let me do them at my family's was funny :).....sorry I keep getting off track on my nonsense story :) So well he decided to get out the "towel" and yes you know what that means....."towel whipping time" he swatted me over and over and over....I mean I couldn't get a swat back at him worth anything it was funny :) well he ended up giving me this welt that looked like it was bleeding....and it still looks like it hehe :p So we then go to ward prayer....and we meet at our club house which has a pool ;) so the guys kept makin fun that they were gonna throw me in....but I held on so tight to Brandon they gave up because I woudn't let go and if I would have gone in he would have ....well anyways I went and pushed my roommate in...hehe yes fully clothed but then guess what happens.....BRANDON.....of course....comes and puts me in my place.....the well we laughed and the pool was warm :D.....(and to be honest us girls wanted to get in becuase the water was warm but didn't want to look like to silly girls just jumping in) hehe so it worked out great!!!!! well there isn't too much more goin on.....oh other than I'm gonna be takin a DISNEYLAND trip in October with some great friends of mine :D ok I'm done!! so we are a little soaked...ya think?

oh aren't we just sooo dang cute....oh here we are....Julie and Jewels

We are GREAT roommates....we fight all the time....and we both wanted the towel hehe

This would be last sunday.....and as you can tell Brandon is surely concentrating on those cards
look at that.....fighting again.....sheesh
but you see.....we can be sweet....after a fight ;)
so this would be us soaked.....again

and here is a kinda dumb video but I thought it was funny